In the early 1990s a couple of students discovered a small, enigmatic Russian camera, the Lomo Kompakt Automat, and created a new style of artistic experimental photography with their first unorthodox snapshot cavortings. The approach: taking as many photographs (Lomographs) as possible in the most impossible of situations possible and from the most unusual positions possible, and then having them developed as cheaply as possible. The result is a flood of authentic, colourful, crazy, off-the-wall, unfamiliar and often brilliant snapshots. These are mounted on panels to form a sea of thousands of Lomographs which regularly astonish viewers with their sheer colourfulness, diversity and power of expression. Ensuing major exhibitions in Moscow, New York, Vienna, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Havana, Zurich, Cologne, Madrid, Cairo, Tokyo and many other cities, where up to 100,000 Lomographs were shown at a time, established an international reputation for Lomography.
Lomography as a brand is definitely about film and analog photography, in particular, photos taken with lomo brand cameras.
I do lomography because it's refreshing to go back to the basics of photography. Just to capture a moment or subject and not have to worry about whether the focus, camera settings or the lighting is perfect. I just want to have fun and make a creative image.
Photography for many people is now just about camera specifications and camera features. They are too focused on having the best camera with the best lens and have forgotten what photography is really about. To save a memory and have fun while you do it!
preserving Lomo's concept:
10 lomo's golden rules
1.Take your camera everywhere you go.
2. Use it anytime, day and night.
3. Lomography does not interfere with your life, but is a part of it.
4. Try the shot from the hip.
5. Approach the objects of your "Lomographic desire" as close as possible.
6. Don't think.
7. Be fast.
8. You don't have to know beforehand what you captured (forget LCD).
9. Afterwards, either (forget LCD review).
10 Don't worry about any rules.
Photography for many people is now just about camera specifications and camera features. They are too focused on having the best camera with the best lens and have forgotten what photography is really about. To save a memory and have fun while you do it!
preserving Lomo's concept:
10 lomo's golden rules
1.Take your camera everywhere you go.
2. Use it anytime, day and night.
3. Lomography does not interfere with your life, but is a part of it.
4. Try the shot from the hip.
5. Approach the objects of your "Lomographic desire" as close as possible.
6. Don't think.
7. Be fast.
8. You don't have to know beforehand what you captured (forget LCD).
9. Afterwards, either (forget LCD review).
10 Don't worry about any rules.
long exposure
Emotions Joy
the more, the better: multiexposure
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